
Ihre Wirtschaftsbörse - Wirtschaft aus einer Hand!


Czech Republic
Povrchová úprava a její zušlechtění - hledáme zakázky pro naši společnost, k čemuž používáme proces tryskání skleněnými perličkami. V našich tryskacích komorách můžeme zpracovávat díly z nerezové oceli a hliníku různých velikostí. Mimo jiné můžeme také odstranit vodní kámen, lak a oxidové vrstvy, abychom dosáhli optimálního adhezivního povrchu. Profesionálně lze zpracovávat také výrobní díly pro ocelové konstrukce a konstrukce zařízení. Další služby: Práškové lakování, mokré lakování, eloxování, moření, chromování, elektrolytické leštění - vyžádejte si cenovou nabídku!
United Kingdom
In the production of custom CNC parts, we can offer cost-effective workpieces with the highest standards. Our range of tasks includes drilling, turning and milling, with a high capacity for on-time deliveries. Small series and large series production can be implemented by our company without any problems. Our team is ready to provide you with complete advice on your product and its implementation.
United Kingdom
In the production of custom CNC parts, we can offer cost-effective workpieces with the highest standards. Our range of tasks includes drilling, turning and milling, with a high capacity for on-time deliveries. Small series and large series production can be implemented by our company without any problems. Our team is ready to provide you with complete advice on your product and its implementation.
United Kingdom
In the production of custom CNC parts, we can offer cost-effective workpieces with the highest standards. Our range of tasks includes drilling, turning and milling, with a high capacity for on-time deliveries. Small series and large series production can be implemented by our company without any problems. Our team is ready to provide you with complete advice on your product and its implementation.
United Kingdom
In the production of custom CNC parts, we can offer cost-effective workpieces with the highest standards. Our range of tasks includes drilling, turning and milling, with a high capacity for on-time deliveries. Small series and large series production can be implemented by our company without any problems. Our team is ready to provide you with complete advice on your product and its implementation.
United Kingdom
In the production of custom CNC parts, we can offer cost-effective workpieces with the highest standards. Our range of tasks includes drilling, turning and milling, with a high capacity for on-time deliveries. Small series and large series production can be implemented by our company without any problems. Our team is ready to provide you with complete advice on your product and its implementation.
Chinese industrial company is looking for orders for: CNC milling We can make prototypes, small series, large series and mass production for you. Quality control is done in our factory to guarantee high quality of your products. Our company has 20 years of experience in industrial production and uses modern machines for production. 24 hours serive and fast delivery - Request Quote Now!
Chinese industrial company is looking for orders for: EDM We can make prototypes, small series, large series and mass production for you. Quality control is done in our factory to guarantee high quality of your products. Our company has 20 years of experience in industrial production and uses modern machines for production. 24 hours serive and fast delivery - Request Quote Now!
Chinese industrial company is looking for orders for: CNC milling We can make prototypes, small series, large series and mass production for you. Quality control is done in our factory to guarantee high quality of your products. Our company has 20 years of experience in industrial production and uses modern machines for production. 24 hours serive and fast delivery - Request Quote Now!
Chinese industrial company is looking for orders for: CNC turning We can make prototypes, small series, large series and mass production for you. Quality control is done in our factory to guarantee high quality of your products. Our company has 20 years of experience in industrial production and uses modern machines for production. 24 hours serive and fast delivery - Request Quote Now!